Sane Stack

New Release & Meeting Minutes

Turns out it is not that easy to coordinate people from different sides of the ocean who also happen to have have busy jobs. But it is great to see how the open source world connects people and as planned we had our second meeting on 13/01/2015. Also after a few weeks of break finally a new version of the sane-cli got released.


Meeting Minutes - 30/12/2014

The last year ended on a good note: The Sane core team came together for our first meeting to plan and discuss some foundational questions as well as future plans of the stack.


Without much ado we went straight into one of the most important topics of every Web application: Security - namely authentication.

One thing that was clear for all of us quite quickly, the best solution to authenticate the API itself is using a stateless server that hands out JWT tokens to the client. (For a good description see


Welcome the new Core Team!

A new year has arrived, one that comes with a lot of exciting news for Sane Stack. People are starting to take notice of the project and the feature set is continuously growing. It has now reached a level of complexity that calls for structure, clarity and good planning to ensure success. I am happy to introduce the two new members of our core team. Martin Genev (@cyberseer) the author of, Senior Fullstack Developer of and co-founder of Kris Williams (@kris_will), with an impressive range of experience having been Lead Developer at Disney, Senior Developer at myspace and now working at his own startup,, utilising Sane Stack.